
She worked as senior resident at Guntur General Hospital and She got selected for many prestigious fellowships such as Indian Association of Dermatologist Venereologist and Leprologists (IADVL)observership etc.



Skin Tightening

Skin Tightening Treatment with Radio Frequency Technology

Chandana Skin Clinic has the Best Skin Specialist in Guntur for skin tightening treatments. Loose and sagging skin can be a result of sudden weight loss, post-pregnancy and is also a part of the normal aging process. Repeated UV exposure, unhealthy diet, and smoking will increase the rate at which skin will loosen its elasticity. Chandana Skin Clinic uses the latest technology available to treat loose and sagging skin and also have the Best Skin Specialist in Guntur. Radiofrequency and Infrared work in several ways to lift and tighten skin.

Radiofrequency and infrared treatments are popular on the face and neck area, and can also be used on the inner arm, chest, and abdomen and breast area. During a radio frequency (RF) skin tightening procedure, heat is utilized to enhearten the engendering of incipient collagen and elastin. The renewed engendered of these components avails to eliminate wrinkles and fine lines and tightens skin. Clients will notice results immediately following a treatment making it a popular choice for any occasion. For long-term results, 3-4 monthly treatments are recommended with a maintenance session every 3-6 months.

Treatments are completely comfortable and there is no recovery period or downtime.